Wednesday, December 22, 2004

From the Private, Personal Diary of Noelle Frost

Dear Diary --

I've been debating submitting to some tests. Not school-type tests -- Perish the thought! But just a few lab type things to try to suss out these wacky powers of mine. God -- I still feel odd thinking of them as that. My powers. Like, who am I to have special powers? I mean, really?!?

Anyway, there's some super smart folks up at Baron Rufus' castle, and I thought -- maybe -- they might know more about me than I know about myself.

Gah. I can't help but think of lab rats. That's what I'll be, really, submitting myself to testing. Am I crazy? I mean, there's all those horror stories about heroes who got subjected to testing against their will -- hell, sometimes they're heroes because they got subjected to all sorts of weird and wacky tests. Like Silent Sammy -- how odd is it to think that I now count as a friend someone who used to be an otter? Is still an otter, technically?

I guess I should be grateful for the way things came about for me. It's not a horror story, not at all. Actually, really, it was incredible. Amazing. Awesome, and not just in the retro-1980s meaning of the word, but in the real "sense of awe" definition. I was out on the ice, alone, under the Nothern Lights, not even doing anything, really. Just -- well, taking it all in. There were times, at the lab, when it all just seemed so clinical. Ice cores and electron magnifiers, measuring radiation and excited particles... Sometimes it was cool to just, you know, look at it. The Aurora Borealis. It's like something out of this world.

I've met people now who actually are from out of this world, and I stand by my use of the term.

So I used to do that a lot. Just look at it. I don't know what happened that one night that was so different, really. I remember I was in an odd mood to begin with -- a great mood -- and I danced under the light. It felt so warm, somehow, and I'd read something on the internet about how Wiccan priestesses used to do ceremonies and stuff sky-clad, and I just loved the sound of that word. Sky-clad. Not naked, not with a ribbon of light and velvety darkness to wrap around me.

I didn't say or do anything that I hadn't done a hundred times before. But the next day, when Sergei... you know. Gak.

I froze him. And it was so natural. Like -- why shouldn't I do this? After that, everything else just happened so quickly. And now, I've been in Paragon City for a number of months, and all the time, I'm discovering new powers, learning new things -- all but the important stuff. The big questions: How? and Why?

Maybe I want answers. And if someone has them... well, I'm willing to be a lab rat. I used to love the rats at the lab on the Circle. Right up until Mom and Popsicle had to put them to sleep to dissect them.

I think I have to hold off on some of the other questions I have -- like Does he? and Should I do something? -- until I clear these things up first. 'Course, if he does, then, I can react, right? Totally his timeline, then. Not mine.

Gotta go. I feel a giggle coming on.



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