Saturday, December 25, 2004

The Whitmoore Apartments - Christmas Party

Noelle sipped from a glass of champagne, wrinkling her nose at the bubbles and trying not to sneeze. Act cool, kiddo, she thought to herself, and concentrated again on the story the Baron was telling about "The Good Ole Days." It wasn't your average Christmas story, but then, they weren't your average group of revelers.

At the punchline, she laughed with everyone else, and took a minute to scan the room, feeling a warm glow inside her that had little to do with the bubbly and more to do with the company. Stateswoman had greeted her so warmly when she came in with her tray of cookies, introducing her to some of the other guests with praise that made Noelle blush. It was amazing to see everyone in their civies, heroes that she'd teamed with from the caves below Talos Island to... well, to the caves within Perez Park, and beyond. Man, she hated caves. Why weren't they ever fighting on nice, snow-topped mountain sides? Nope, all Paragon City's baddies had this thing for caves. Though it might have something to do with PC's startling lack of mountains....

Anyway, Noelle made her way across the crowded apartment, admiring the decorations, saying hello to old (well, oldish) friends, and meeting new people. She'd been meaning for ages to sit down for a real heart to heart with the very first person who truly welcomed her to the city, months ago, and through the crowd she caught a sight of her familiar form.

"Hey, sis," Noelle greeted her friend Binah. "Joyeux Noel."

Lost in her thoughts, Binah blinked once, then looked up at the young woman with snow-like hair tumbling down her shoulders. The girl Frost was one of the first champions she had ran into in this city, and the polar cheekiness was often a balm to the sorceress. "Holiday cheer, my friend. How does the end of the year find you?"


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