Thursday, September 29, 2005


Noelle played back the recording she'd made from Kid's comm.
"Phalanxers, this is the Strategist.

"I'm downloading an image file to your comms. The individual pictured has verifiably assaulted one of our membership and is suspected of kidnapping another.

"You're all encouraged to keep an eye out for this individual during any of your patrols, but our current leads indicate he's somewhere in the Shadow Shard, probably trying to find a route from one of the dimensional nodes back to his home world -- therefore, those of you with security clearance or UN connections high enough to arrange access the Shard are urged to do so.

"He's got one of our own, people. That can't be allowed."
She didn't need to see the image again -- it was the reporter she'd spoken to about Scorpia. And now, it sounded like, the reason for her and Jason's disappearance.

It didn't matter what Ulric told Noelle, how he'd tried to convince her that the rescue efforts her friends in the Alliance had mounted to bring her back from the House of Cards had NO bearing on how long it took them to realize Jason and Sabrina weren't just on vacation... Noelle still felt guilty. If she hadn't been stupid enough to get taken, someone would have noticed sooner that Jase and Sabrina were missing, she was sure of it.

And now that Strategist had a lead, she'd do whatever it took to try to assuage her guilt. Even if it meant going back into the Shard.

Noelle slipped into her hardy leather pants and fastened the buckles, pulled on her boots, and grabbed a jacket to throw on over her tank, pausing only to send Kid a quick message. Last time she went into the Shard, and couldn't talk to Kid... it was only because of Jason and Sabrina's encouragement that she'd been able to do her job on the team, and not come running back to Paragon like a whimpering child. She hoped he'd come with her this time, hoped she wouldn't be cut off from him again. But if she had to go it alone, she would.

Rubbing anxiously at her comm strapped to her wrist, Noelle locked her front door and appeared shortly thereafter in the lobby at Portal Corp. Flashing her ID card to the technician at the metal detector, she followed his directions towards the devoted portal to the Shadow Shard, and stepped through...


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