Thursday, June 30, 2005


Noelle slept, curled in a tight ball on her couch, tiny rivulets of water running down the outside of the glass doors on her balcony, between the indecipherable patterns of frost.

Somewhere, someone was checking into her comm problems..
"The basement connections look good."

The beam of the helmet light showed wires, dust, crystals, and a small ant farm. Mal tapped the glass. "Hey! Check the feedback circuts in level five!" The ants scurried off in new patterns.

"Time for me to get back into the closet." A few steps, a small door, a row of uniforms. "PT&T, I think. Time to trace the problem." He changed out of his suit into a work shirt and pants. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he nodded. "I like the tool belt. It's the only damn thing that will keep these pants up. Why is undercover work so drafty?" He walked to the wrought iron gate, stopping only long enough to get a bright yellow vest and hardhat.

Somewhere else, someone was worried.
"Hiya! You've reached Noelle's phone, but I can't pick up. Leave a little message and I'll call you back just as soon as I get a chance. Ciao!"

"Hey there,'s E....if ya there, pick up. Well....guess ya still out...when ya get this call me, awright? Just wanna make sure ya o.k"

Elvis set the phone back down and scratched his head. Third call....third message. He couldn't reach her on the coms and he was starting to get a bit worried. No doubt she could take care of herself......she'd proven that time and time again but that didn't stop him from wanting to protect her.

The last thing she told him was that she had some 'personal business' to take care of. What, he didn't know and he didn't like to pry. It had been a day without any word and that made him antsy. When he got antsy, he needed to kick things. He had a line on some Rikti that would make the perfect stress reliever.

Shrugging on his gold jacket, he put his com in his pocket and headed out.....maybe he'd give ole' Mal a call....he always had an answer or two....

Noelle slept, the air in her apartment arctic.


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