Monday, May 15, 2006

From the Private, Personal Diary of Noelle Frost

Dear Diary -

Wow. You stop putting pen to paper for a couple of days, and the next thing you know, weeks and months have gone by. I can't even try to catch up on everything that's happened, though I will say it's been really nice to see some of the other Knights with some kind of regularity again. I missed fighting alongside Mav -- my first friend in Paragon -- and Streak, and Muratan, and all the others. I don't value Kessa and Mal any less for seeing them more often, but it's nice to hear the Knights' comm alive with chatter.

Anyway, moving on! Spent the last few days tracking something big in the Shard. Like, big Big. End of the world big. Or, well, world-changing, at least. But we shut it down: me, Jason, Ulric, Psi-Clone and Amorpha, Leroy Jones, and War Bones, a funny big guy I haven't spent much time with before, but the man knows how to throw a punch, and his kick is a killer. A really great group, all told. I wouldn't mind spending more time with them.

And well, with Jason, who's been sort of haunting the Shard, I think. Since he and Sabrina -- since their marriage ended. Working through this thing, I think it helped him. He was like his old self again, mostly. Big grin and all, especially when we were beating on C... I mean, especially against some of the folks we were fighting.

Anyway, I want to try to get back on top of this diary thing. I'm also working with a newer hero named Justice Hart, teamed up in a "Tournament of Champions" to promote cross-coalition alliances, where it's been fun to participate in a few arena matches against friends. All sorts of safeties in play, but still -- I'm glad I'm not usually on the wrong side of Hype and Syn, fer instance, or Zazi's blade. So that's fun to be involved in.

More soon, I hope.



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